Artworks for personal use only. I don't own any copyright of Pokémon.
Hawaii Trip
Housework Magnet Set
How the magnets work
Both my husband and I play Pokémon. 
For our new home, I designed a set of magnets to help my husband and me stay on top of housework. The set features three illustrated Pokémon—Tyranitar cleaning the toilet, Snorlax sleeping on a robot vacuum, and Prinplup with Piplup 'attempting' to clean the carpet. They are on three rectangle magnets. 
I also created two sets of round magnets featuring Torchic and Rowlet (cosplaying as each other’s final evolutions) labeled with weekdays. Each day, we place our respective Pokémon magnet under the chore we've completed, keeping track of who did what and when it’s the next person's turn. You can see the magnets placement on the fridge to the left.
Disclaimer: Artworks and content in this project are strictly for personal use. 
Copyright of any Pokémon belongs to the Pokémon company. 
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